User handling

Guide how to create unique users & licensing


A user needs to be registered to our backend and request a unique license code. We require a unique ID (can be an e-mail address or a generated UUID) that matches the user.

Request URL:

Request body:

    "size_allowance": 18, // Number - {how much notch you wish to allow for this user}
    "flags": [],
    "app_code": "123", // Can be found on your dashboard - {your_application_code}
    "remote_user": "john.doe" //  {the unique id of your user}

Example result:

    "license_code": "12345678abcdefg",
    "pairing_code": "01234asdf",
    "remote_user": "john.doe",
    "app_code": "123",
    "restriction": "sandbox",
    "timestamp": "2019-11-20T14:49:02.689115Z",
    "size_allowance": 18,
    "flags": []


You must provide your user’s license to our SDK. If not you can’t use our service.

The license_code will be used at specific points to interact with the Notch backend.
At every application start, the notch service needs to be configured with your valid license code:

        service.setLicense(license: "12345678abcdefg");
        service.license = "12345678abcdefg"

The license code is permanent - tight for your user, so it can be saved, and use it for any new app session for the same user.

Setup Notches