Hardware Specification

Notches are small devices that can form a wireless sensor network of 2 and more nodes. Each module is equipped with 3 high-accuracy MEMS sensors, including an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a compass. Onboard memory allows to motion capture without a constant smartphone connection. Notches use Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate with the smartphone.

Sensor Specification

Gyroscope ±250, ±500, ±1000, ±2000, ±4000 dps
Accelerometer ±2, ±4, ±8, ±16, ±32 g
Magnetometer ±4/ ±8/ ±12/ ±16 gauss
Sampling frequency 5Hz, 10Hz, 20Hz, 40Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, 125Hz, 200Hz, 333Hz, 500Hz

Note on the precision Properly calibrated Notch devices static accuracy is about 1-2В° yaw/pitch/roll. The precision of the whole system depends on the number of parameters - correct steady pose, the tight fit of sensors throughout the measurements, and the possibility of magnetic interference from the environment. Our algorithms account for biomechanics and sensor errors, but sensor drift may accumulate over time during the recording session. If you have a specific activity in mind that has some particular precision requirements - let us know - we would be happy to answer your questions.


Notches allow recording data on the onboard FLASH memory.

Sample Rate Capacity
50Hz 130min
500Hz 13min


Notches use BLE (Bluetooth Low-Energy) to communicate with the target smartphone. Notches also form a propriety, wireless sensor-network synchronicity, and internal communication.

Network configuration Number of modules Max Sample Rate
Real-Time 1-2 100Hz
  3-6 40Hz
Non-Real-Time 18+ 500Hz

Battery Life

Notches run on rechargeable, Li-Po batteries. It takes about 1 hour to charge your devices under sufficient power (>500mAh). During charging, the notch blinks green - when the battery is close to full, the device shines green. We recommend unplugging the dock after more than 2 hours of charging.

Battery Life Duration
Active Mode 6+ hours
Passive Mode 300+ hours
Charging Time 1 hour

Hardware Interfaces

Switch State Options
  Power On, Power Off, Firmware Mode Optional User Input
LED Description Options
  RGB LED Access to RGB LED

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Industrial Design