Notch Ecosystem

Notch technology is the connecting layer in the ecosystem of motion analysis apps and products developed by Notch Interfaces and our partners. Notch technology includes Notch devices, SDKs and APIs made available to all participants in Notch Pioneer developer program.

Notch Pioneer is our program for people who are interested in using our technology to develop new apps and products for healthcare, wellness, sports, and entertainment. Over 4000 people have joined the program and started using Notch devices and software since the public launch of Notch Pioneer in 2017.

“Powered by Notch” is the program that allows companies to partner with us to bring to market new products developed using our technology and manufacturing capabilities. An example of such a product is 4D Motion Sports - a platform for golf and baseball analysis, used by professional and amateur athletes and their coaches around the world.

n+Notch is the line of products developed by Notch Interfaces internally to showcase our technology and contribute to the advancement of the understanding of human motion throughout consumer markets. The first of such products is Yoganotch - sensor-powered AI yoga assistant.

Please note - we are perfectly fine having “powered by Notch” and n+Notch products exist in the same markets. As a platform company, we do not see our internal initiatives as competitive to the products provided by our partners. So, if you have a yoga product in mind and would be interested in using Notch as a platform for its launch - by all means, reach out to powereby[a] and we will be happy to share our findings and success with you.


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